The critically acclaimed series, Bayonetta is making a return with Nintendo’s announcement of Bayonetta 3. To get ready for the next release, the Gigamax crew is revisiting both the first and second game. This action-packed series is exciting and entertaining all the way through and it’s time to take a closer look. Below are the playlists for the first two games in the series. Once the third title is available, this will be the place to find the latest videos, reviews, and let’s play.
Non-stop combat, incredible fight scenes, and an imaginative story, the franchize is beloved by critics and gamers alike. It’s hard to find faults in games that were put together with so much care. Even if 3 wasn’t coming out, these two games absolutely deserve to have a place here on!
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by the Bayonetta 1, 2, and 3 Let’s Play Page. Be sure to check back again soon as the Gigamax Games crew continues updating the playlists. Don’t forget to stay up to date with the latest videos, articles, and gaming content from Gigamax Games by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube!
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